Investors awarded $3.2 million in damages by arbitration panelBY Investment Fraud Attorney
A FINRA arbitration panel, in an Award dated October 28, 2019, awarded $3.2 million to 28 investors all of whom are former clients of Raymond James broker Eddie Lyons. (more…)

Golfer Eddie Lyons Investor FraudBY Investment Fraud Attorney
Here is a link to the article in the Shreveport Times (one page):

Cases Against Morgan StanleyBY Investment Fraud Attorney
Hundreds of investors lost millions of dollars while clients of Morgan Stanley's Ridgeland, Mississippi office between 2008 and 2012. These investors's accounts were managed by Steve Wyatt and Hilary Zimmerman. We now represent or have represent 53 of these individual...

Morgan Stanley Hit With Punitive Damages In Customer Arbitration (Broke and Broker, August 5, 2015)BY Investment Fraud Attorney
Bill Singer, author of Broke and Broker, an irreverant Wall Street Blog was impressed by our recent award. Read his analysis published on August 5, 2015 below or Click here to read it on his blog . Morgan Stanley Hit With Punitive Damages In...

Morgan Stanley Told to Pay More Than $2.3 Million in Arbitration Case (Wall Street Journal, July 28, 2015)BY Investment Fraud Attorney
Morgan Stanley Told to Pay More Than $2.3 Million in Arbitration Case Firm accused of unauthorized trading and other misdeeds by brokers in Jackson, Miss.-area branch Anna Prior The Wall Street Journal July 28, 2015 5:50 p.m. ET ...

Stockbrokers. Fiduciary or not? (Northside Sun, June 25, 2015)BY Investment Fraud Attorney
Stockbrokers. Fiduciary or not? Northside Sun Editorial by Kim Breese, June 25, 2015 A MAJOR COMPONENT of my law practice is representing clients who have lost money in their brokerage accounts. Sometimes the losses are because of outright fraud or...

FINRA Fines & Suspends Former Morgan Stanley Broker in Jackson OfficeBY Investment Fraud Attorney
Reprinted from Jackson Jambalaya Tuesday, September 16, 2014 FINRA fined former Morgan Stanley broker Steven Wyatt $12,500 and suspended him for four months in a consent agreement issued last July.* The agreement states Mr. Wyatt purchased shares of Morris Innovative,...

N’Siders Win Arbitration for Mishandled AccountsBY Investment Fraud Attorney
Six cases have been filed against the Ridgeland branch office of Morgan Stanley and its managers. These cases arise from wrongdoing by two brokers in that office, Steve Wyatt and Hilary Zimmerman and the failure of Morgan Stanley to supervise...